What a joke!

Just minutes ago while I was on the train, something extremely hilarious occurred. I believe that this is a priceless lesson that I have learnt. I entered the train carriage and sat down beside this young lady who was texting and facebooking on her IPhone 4. This might be a common sight to you but this is where it gets better. A few stops later, more passengers boarded the carriage.

A slight plump Indian lady came in with her friend/sister( not too sure about the relation) and she sat beside that girl. Atfirst, I did not really care for there was nothing special going on, YET. While listening to the songs on my phone, my eyes would usually dart around looking in every direction possible.

It was then that I discovered that the Indian lady seemed angry and was looking at what the girl was typing on her phone. Apparently, she was facebooking this ( similar meaning as I only glanced :)) :” there is a fat b**** sitting beside me”.

I was shocked, I mean even if you want to say something like that on the Internet by all means I know you have the freedom of speech but the thing is that while you wrote that, the person you were writing about it saw it. That was the problem. That Indian lady could have sued her easily on the spot for such a crude remark. It’s not right to do such a thing. If the person did not know about it then it would be “alright”.

Te story continues as the lady told her friend/sibling who sat opposite her and she got furious. She suggested that she should ask the girl to take off her earphones and demand an apology. Realizing that I was looking at them, our eyes contacted each other So they realized that I had saw what she wrote and posted as well. I badly wanted to tell the girl her mistake but decided not to, fearing that it may back fire. I smiled at the Indian lady and shook my head.

I did not expect to see such a thing and I really find that there is something to learn from this. Always make sure that check properly before doing anything. Even if you MUST bad mouth about others, make sure they are not anywhere near you for the least of things.

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Social networking, good or bad?

To me, this is something I would like to believe that it floats in the in between, the grey zone. I have heard of many peoples lives have been ruined due to social networking sites. Some have been cheated while there are many others who became successful because of it.

Social networking sites are like Facebook and twitter are extremely popular among the young as they are platforms for them to connect with their friends. The ‘older’ generation use it as a platform to connect with friends, colleagues and family members. In Singapore, it is common to know of some one who have relatives living abroad. Hence, they use Facebook to share photos and information on what each other have been doing. It is through this sort of sites that the generation gap between parents and their children are erased. Although this is not always the case, parents and children have been able to communicate a little better through such sites.

But there are always negative points to everything so this is definitely not excluded. There is a variety of games on Facebook and other sites. These games can be very addictive hence taking up lots of time. This isn’t good as this amount of time is not just an hour but 6 hours on ends. And furthermore, it’s not just the kids who get hook on the games, even the adults get hooked on the games as well. News papers have reported before where by businesses deliberately band their workers from accessing any social networks in the office because it has become just too distracting!

Many children get over addicted to the games that they spend less time in the real world. Family ties are strained as all of them drift apart due to the lack of interaction. Sometimes, this makes me feel more like a robot than a human being. Our lives are busy and in modern times, family time has become rare over the long years. Hence, social networking sites seems to be more of a hazard.

But back to the positive points, these games can also be a platform for relieving stress. Daily work and school life can be stressful at times and playing games is a great way to relax and take a break.

So is social networking good or bad? Well, that would be a grey zone.

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Exams, what does it represent?

It’s been quite a while since I last wrote anything here.

Well, I have been very busy with all sorts of stuff. From my O level examination to my holidays in Vietnam and Hong Kong. It has been a roller coaster of anxiety, stress but also fun. I will truly miss my secondary school for this was a place where I grew up to become a better me. It contains many memories of happiness, anger, sadness, some that I wish to forget and some that I wish to keep forever. As I leave to start a new chapter in my life, I take this chapter as a time where I learnt many new and wonderful things such as giving in to others and learning that I cannot always get what I want.

First I would like to talk about my examinations. I would not say that it was tough or easy, all I can say that it had been unexpected and something I would never ever want to go trhough ever again. The level of stress was off the charts and as much as I love to read and write, I do not want to open those textbooks ever again unless it is for tutoring purposes.

While many may think that I dislike exams, I don’t.Well, not entirely, just a little. I dislike the idea of having your life being hung on the balance under this one examination. Could you imagine if God based all of us on just one random thing we do? It is like judging a kid based on one thing he or she does. For example, a kid pushes his or her little sister. Does that make the kid bad or good? Basing one’s life on just one thing is not the way it should be. Examinations are tests to see how much you have progressed over the years and not the factor  that will determine whether you would be successful in life.

There are many many people out there that might not have done well in their studies but in the end, they turn out to be the rare gems within our society. But there are others who are being look down for the fact that they do not do well academically and as a result, fail in life as they were never given a chance to let themselves shine. I believe that every human being has a talent, one hidden deep within us that we must find. Exams should not even play such a huge part in our lives. It should only be labeled at maximum a type of obstacle we must all over come. But that does not mean that it will determine who we will become.

I believe that all of us hold our own future and life in our own hands. We decide who we want to become, not anything or anybody else.

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RIP Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs is the boss, the founder of Apple Inc, Pixar and NEXT. To many, he was a great inspiration. To me, he is an inspiration that will last through out the ages. Steve revolutionized the way we see our phones, computers and our laptops. He was an innovator, a spark of creativity itself.

News of his passing spread through the globe like wild fire. On Twitter, people trend about him, paying their respect. This giant that had changed our lives would be sorely missed and he would never be forgotten. For everything he has done to make our lives easier, we should salute to his greatness.

Personally, I dreamt that one day, I would be able to see him in person. I wanted to ask this fantastic man so many things but now, I no longer have that chance to even get to know him better. But nonetheless, he would stay in my heart as one of those Ho have inspired me to have the dreams and goals that I have.

Thank You Steve Jobs, rest in piece in those iclouds of yours. You have left a legacy that can never be erased.

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American Chinese are famous on the net

I read an article on Monday that featured American Chinese who are enjoying fame on YouTube. Personally, most of those mentioned were the youtube channel hosts that I enjoy watching. This may seem weird but they actually have a huge fan base and their channel has atleasts a million subscribers( the more famous ones).
Let me give you some examples of the YouTube Stars that are earning big bucks and enjoying fame through YouTube:
1) Channel Name: Nigahiga
This is a very popular channel that was previously the No.1 most subscribed channel but I currently in 2nd place.

Another popular channel. The founder of this channel is a good friend of the founder of the above channel.

These are just some of it. Particulary, I am also a fan of theirs. It’s not that I support them because they are Asian but for the fact that they are pretty good. Their weekly videos being joy and allows me to relax when I watch them.

As I watch their videos, it let’s me rejuvenate in-between my hectic life as a secondary four teenager. Ofcourse, there are also many other channels that I like but since I started with the title, I don’t want to differ away from it.

I really admire and look up to these American born Asians that have made our society proud and I hope that they would continue to do what they do best!

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All they want to see is your report card, not your character

As a teenager living in Singapore, I find myself stuck in a society were it is all about the grades on the piece of paper. That is ALL that mattered. In this little island located in South East Asia, all the company cares is basically your credit in the form of your certificate.

If you were a Secondary School Graduate with great character who is willing to learn, you would still not be able to get the job. In your place would
Most probably be a University graduate with no character at all. I have heard from both my friends and family thy this is a scene that you will definitely see in Singapore.

I believe that is mainly due to the fact that we are in Asia. You see, the Asian society has this concept, this ideology that of you are smart in terms of studies, you would be a great person. It has become a ‘tradition’ that the child must be a clever in school in order to get a job and be able to take care of themselves. While these nerds get all the good, those that are weaker in academics are usually placed out of the spot light as people who will never succeed in life.

But from most of the success stories and books that I have read so far, the most successful people around did not go very high up in the academics ladder. Steve Jobs of Apple.Inc, Bill Gates of Microsoft, these are some of the richest people and they were not those who had high IQ, it was their high EQ.

I believe that in years to come, you would see those that had entered neighbourhood secondary school coming out at the top of the corporate ladder. Yes, I believe that they would become the founder of large companies that would hire those that had gotten their highest honours in their academics. You may say that I am lying but from what I see around me, I believe that many of those that don’t seem very smart right now would end up being influential members of the society. Each and everyone of them are like unpolished diamonds waiting to be discovered.

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Secondary 4 student writes a letter to the minister.

I am sure many Singaporeans have already seen this piece of news dating quite sometime back.
Well, I agree with most of the things that the student had mentioned in the letter:
1) The time we spent in schools is very long.
A secondary three or four student would spend atleast 9h on average in school. That is due to lessons in the morning, afternoon supplementary lessons and last but not least, CCA.
If you add all of this up, you would get about 9h or more.

2) We see our teachers more than seeing our parents.
I am totally for this point. On a vague basis, each of us are atleast awake for 18h. Taking away the time that we use to eat and bath, we are approximately left with 15h? If an ave student spends even 9h in school, that is indeed more than the time we spend with our family. Remember that we have not even added in the time we use to do our homework and traveling from one place to another.

3) we have a smaller variety of subjects that we can choose from.

I am definitely for this point and the subject variety is indeed very small. I take 8 subjects and my secondary school only allows triple science students to take bio. Those who take double sciences or combine science, we are left with chemistry and physics. Other schools that I know atleast allow all students to take biology. Trust me, physics is not an easy subject at all.

Personally, I have an interest in humanities and my weakpoint is science. In this case, wouldn’t it be better if I just took humanities and math instead of having weaker subjects that would eventually make my O lvl report card look bad?

Okay, I know that some people would be saying things like it’s so that we have a balanced education bur why can’t it just be a non examined but important subject in school? Won’t that be better? Why can’t student choose the subjects they want to be tested in?

Putting that aside, I believe that the education system is pretty unfair. I have friends in the last class( supposedly the ‘worst’ class) but thy are smart. Just because their secondary 2 results were not as good as the rest, but they are still generally smart.

Futhermore, why is art considered as a subject for people that can’t do well in other more ‘important’ subjects. This is not the truth at all. Almost every education system has a preference for sciences first, maths the second, language the third and humanities and arts at the end of the pyramid. I truly believe that such a system is unfair. This actually constricts every youths ability as they are sometimes being forced to give up what they love and take sometime that they just do not understand.

As I have once read in a book, we should not stop one from expanding their imagination. As a famous person once said,”Humans don’t grow into creativity, we grow out of it.”


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Questions I have about Heaven

1) How big is Heaven?

Reason: I mean, if all that are forgiven goes to Heaven, that means that are over he years there should be atleast a few billion people living there?

2)Do we need to pay for our housing?

Reason: Well, if we were to stay in Heaven, we would need a house, right? So is it free, do we work for it? Or do all of us stay under the same roof altogether?

3)What if we sin?

Reason:All humans are given the right of choice so no matter how good we may be, we will still sin. A small lie, kicking up a fuss, we will tend commit this crime, right? So if we sin in Heaven, will we be sent down to Hell?

4)What is there to do in Heaven?

Reason: First of all, we are going to stay there for near Eternity so what is there to do? I know that we will continue to worship God but are you sure that will be for 24 hours straight? There has got to be something else that we can do, right?

5)Will we get wings?

Reason: All of us know that there are angels in Heaven so is it true that after death we will grow wings to become angels? So we should have wings, right?

6)Are there still love and marriages in Heaven?

Reason: Love is one of the strongest emotions in the Universe so does it still exist in Heaven between man and women?

That’s about what I have and I hope that none of this is offensive to anyone! This is just my view on things. 😛

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Life and Death

Most of us view death negatively, thinking that it’s like the end of our lives when we perish from the face of the Earth.

For the religious group of us, Christians believes that that would mean we head on to the paradise known as Heaven. A wonderful place where there are streets of gold and everything we ever wanted.

The Chinese would believe that we must first pay for our mistakes that we have done on Earth and if we are lucky enough, we will be reincarnated.

To me, i am definitely afraid of the place called Hell, but if we must say, does it mean that all of us would end up in Hell? I mean, don’t all humans make mistakes? Does that mean we will all have to pay for our sins? Even if we constantly ask for forgiveness, won’t we still be sinners and should we not go Hell to pay for our sins.

It’s not that I don’t believe it but there are so many questions that I have about  life after death. I really hope that its not just black out and that is the end cause that is really too wierd to be true. I do believe a little of science but coming from a tiny cell does sound very wierd.

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Introduction of myself


My name is Lim Qian Yu and I live in Singapore. Just in case you have no idea where my country is, we are surrounded by nations such as Malaysia and Indonesia, a small island that is only a dot on the map. However, this is home to a nation of over 5 million people so we are not that small! I am currently a student by day and a aspiring author in the making. My dream is to publish my story that is still in the making!

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