Questions I have about Heaven

1) How big is Heaven?

Reason: I mean, if all that are forgiven goes to Heaven, that means that are over he years there should be atleast a few billion people living there?

2)Do we need to pay for our housing?

Reason: Well, if we were to stay in Heaven, we would need a house, right? So is it free, do we work for it? Or do all of us stay under the same roof altogether?

3)What if we sin?

Reason:All humans are given the right of choice so no matter how good we may be, we will still sin. A small lie, kicking up a fuss, we will tend commit this crime, right? So if we sin in Heaven, will we be sent down to Hell?

4)What is there to do in Heaven?

Reason: First of all, we are going to stay there for near Eternity so what is there to do? I know that we will continue to worship God but are you sure that will be for 24 hours straight? There has got to be something else that we can do, right?

5)Will we get wings?

Reason: All of us know that there are angels in Heaven so is it true that after death we will grow wings to become angels? So we should have wings, right?

6)Are there still love and marriages in Heaven?

Reason: Love is one of the strongest emotions in the Universe so does it still exist in Heaven between man and women?

That’s about what I have and I hope that none of this is offensive to anyone! This is just my view on things. 😛

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