All they want to see is your report card, not your character

As a teenager living in Singapore, I find myself stuck in a society were it is all about the grades on the piece of paper. That is ALL that mattered. In this little island located in South East Asia, all the company cares is basically your credit in the form of your certificate.

If you were a Secondary School Graduate with great character who is willing to learn, you would still not be able to get the job. In your place would
Most probably be a University graduate with no character at all. I have heard from both my friends and family thy this is a scene that you will definitely see in Singapore.

I believe that is mainly due to the fact that we are in Asia. You see, the Asian society has this concept, this ideology that of you are smart in terms of studies, you would be a great person. It has become a ‘tradition’ that the child must be a clever in school in order to get a job and be able to take care of themselves. While these nerds get all the good, those that are weaker in academics are usually placed out of the spot light as people who will never succeed in life.

But from most of the success stories and books that I have read so far, the most successful people around did not go very high up in the academics ladder. Steve Jobs of Apple.Inc, Bill Gates of Microsoft, these are some of the richest people and they were not those who had high IQ, it was their high EQ.

I believe that in years to come, you would see those that had entered neighbourhood secondary school coming out at the top of the corporate ladder. Yes, I believe that they would become the founder of large companies that would hire those that had gotten their highest honours in their academics. You may say that I am lying but from what I see around me, I believe that many of those that don’t seem very smart right now would end up being influential members of the society. Each and everyone of them are like unpolished diamonds waiting to be discovered.

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