American Chinese are famous on the net

I read an article on Monday that featured American Chinese who are enjoying fame on YouTube. Personally, most of those mentioned were the youtube channel hosts that I enjoy watching. This may seem weird but they actually have a huge fan base and their channel has atleasts a million subscribers( the more famous ones).
Let me give you some examples of the YouTube Stars that are earning big bucks and enjoying fame through YouTube:
1) Channel Name: Nigahiga
This is a very popular channel that was previously the No.1 most subscribed channel but I currently in 2nd place.

Another popular channel. The founder of this channel is a good friend of the founder of the above channel.

These are just some of it. Particulary, I am also a fan of theirs. It’s not that I support them because they are Asian but for the fact that they are pretty good. Their weekly videos being joy and allows me to relax when I watch them.

As I watch their videos, it let’s me rejuvenate in-between my hectic life as a secondary four teenager. Ofcourse, there are also many other channels that I like but since I started with the title, I don’t want to differ away from it.

I really admire and look up to these American born Asians that have made our society proud and I hope that they would continue to do what they do best!

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