RIP Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs is the boss, the founder of Apple Inc, Pixar and NEXT. To many, he was a great inspiration. To me, he is an inspiration that will last through out the ages. Steve revolutionized the way we see our phones, computers and our laptops. He was an innovator, a spark of creativity itself.

News of his passing spread through the globe like wild fire. On Twitter, people trend about him, paying their respect. This giant that had changed our lives would be sorely missed and he would never be forgotten. For everything he has done to make our lives easier, we should salute to his greatness.

Personally, I dreamt that one day, I would be able to see him in person. I wanted to ask this fantastic man so many things but now, I no longer have that chance to even get to know him better. But nonetheless, he would stay in my heart as one of those Ho have inspired me to have the dreams and goals that I have.

Thank You Steve Jobs, rest in piece in those iclouds of yours. You have left a legacy that can never be erased.

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