Exams, what does it represent?

It’s been quite a while since I last wrote anything here.

Well, I have been very busy with all sorts of stuff. From my O level examination to my holidays in Vietnam and Hong Kong. It has been a roller coaster of anxiety, stress but also fun. I will truly miss my secondary school for this was a place where I grew up to become a better me. It contains many memories of happiness, anger, sadness, some that I wish to forget and some that I wish to keep forever. As I leave to start a new chapter in my life, I take this chapter as a time where I learnt many new and wonderful things such as giving in to others and learning that I cannot always get what I want.

First I would like to talk about my examinations. I would not say that it was tough or easy, all I can say that it had been unexpected and something I would never ever want to go trhough ever again. The level of stress was off the charts and as much as I love to read and write, I do not want to open those textbooks ever again unless it is for tutoring purposes.

While many may think that I dislike exams, I don’t.Well, not entirely, just a little. I dislike the idea of having your life being hung on the balance under this one examination. Could you imagine if God based all of us on just one random thing we do? It is like judging a kid based on one thing he or she does. For example, a kid pushes his or her little sister. Does that make the kid bad or good? Basing one’s life on just one thing is not the way it should be. Examinations are tests to see how much you have progressed over the years and not the factor  that will determine whether you would be successful in life.

There are many many people out there that might not have done well in their studies but in the end, they turn out to be the rare gems within our society. But there are others who are being look down for the fact that they do not do well academically and as a result, fail in life as they were never given a chance to let themselves shine. I believe that every human being has a talent, one hidden deep within us that we must find. Exams should not even play such a huge part in our lives. It should only be labeled at maximum a type of obstacle we must all over come. But that does not mean that it will determine who we will become.

I believe that all of us hold our own future and life in our own hands. We decide who we want to become, not anything or anybody else.

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