Social networking, good or bad?

To me, this is something I would like to believe that it floats in the in between, the grey zone. I have heard of many peoples lives have been ruined due to social networking sites. Some have been cheated while there are many others who became successful because of it.

Social networking sites are like Facebook and twitter are extremely popular among the young as they are platforms for them to connect with their friends. The ‘older’ generation use it as a platform to connect with friends, colleagues and family members. In Singapore, it is common to know of some one who have relatives living abroad. Hence, they use Facebook to share photos and information on what each other have been doing. It is through this sort of sites that the generation gap between parents and their children are erased. Although this is not always the case, parents and children have been able to communicate a little better through such sites.

But there are always negative points to everything so this is definitely not excluded. There is a variety of games on Facebook and other sites. These games can be very addictive hence taking up lots of time. This isn’t good as this amount of time is not just an hour but 6 hours on ends. And furthermore, it’s not just the kids who get hook on the games, even the adults get hooked on the games as well. News papers have reported before where by businesses deliberately band their workers from accessing any social networks in the office because it has become just too distracting!

Many children get over addicted to the games that they spend less time in the real world. Family ties are strained as all of them drift apart due to the lack of interaction. Sometimes, this makes me feel more like a robot than a human being. Our lives are busy and in modern times, family time has become rare over the long years. Hence, social networking sites seems to be more of a hazard.

But back to the positive points, these games can also be a platform for relieving stress. Daily work and school life can be stressful at times and playing games is a great way to relax and take a break.

So is social networking good or bad? Well, that would be a grey zone.

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