What a joke!

Just minutes ago while I was on the train, something extremely hilarious occurred. I believe that this is a priceless lesson that I have learnt. I entered the train carriage and sat down beside this young lady who was texting and facebooking on her IPhone 4. This might be a common sight to you but this is where it gets better. A few stops later, more passengers boarded the carriage.

A slight plump Indian lady came in with her friend/sister( not too sure about the relation) and she sat beside that girl. Atfirst, I did not really care for there was nothing special going on, YET. While listening to the songs on my phone, my eyes would usually dart around looking in every direction possible.

It was then that I discovered that the Indian lady seemed angry and was looking at what the girl was typing on her phone. Apparently, she was facebooking this ( similar meaning as I only glanced :)) :” there is a fat b**** sitting beside me”.

I was shocked, I mean even if you want to say something like that on the Internet by all means I know you have the freedom of speech but the thing is that while you wrote that, the person you were writing about it saw it. That was the problem. That Indian lady could have sued her easily on the spot for such a crude remark. It’s not right to do such a thing. If the person did not know about it then it would be “alright”.

Te story continues as the lady told her friend/sibling who sat opposite her and she got furious. She suggested that she should ask the girl to take off her earphones and demand an apology. Realizing that I was looking at them, our eyes contacted each other So they realized that I had saw what she wrote and posted as well. I badly wanted to tell the girl her mistake but decided not to, fearing that it may back fire. I smiled at the Indian lady and shook my head.

I did not expect to see such a thing and I really find that there is something to learn from this. Always make sure that check properly before doing anything. Even if you MUST bad mouth about others, make sure they are not anywhere near you for the least of things.

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