Category Archives: Controversial Views

All they want to see is your report card, not your character

As a teenager living in Singapore, I find myself stuck in a society were it is all about the grades on the piece of paper. That is ALL that mattered. In this little island located in South East Asia, all … Continue reading

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Secondary 4 student writes a letter to the minister.

I am sure many Singaporeans have already seen this piece of news dating quite sometime back. Well, I agree with most of the things that the student had mentioned in the letter: 1) The time we spent in schools is … Continue reading

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Questions I have about Heaven

1) How big is Heaven? Reason: I mean, if all that are forgiven goes to Heaven, that means that are over he years there should be atleast a few billion people living there? 2)Do we need to pay for our … Continue reading

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Life and Death

Most of us view death negatively, thinking that it’s like the end of our lives when we perish from the face of the Earth. For the religious group of us, Christians believes that that would mean we head on to … Continue reading

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Judas by Lady Gaga

This song hit the chart just quite some time ago and yet it has been the gained many controversial views on it.Catholics have found this most offensive but I have a slightly different view on this song that has brought … Continue reading

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