Judas by Lady Gaga

This song hit the chart just quite some time ago and yet it has been the gained many controversial views on it.Catholics have found this most offensive but I have a slightly different view on this song that has brought about so much chatter.

In my point of view, Lady Gaga is talking about sin and the light. For all believers of God, we always say that sin is evil and that we should never commit one. But as humans, we will always end up doing something wrong, commit a sin. For example, telling lies and hurting people around us with hurtful words. All these are considered sins. Yet, we still believe in God and Jesus, knowing that we should not sin and that we must do good.

Isn’t that just like the lyrics in Lady Gaga’s song Judas, “Jesus is my virtue but Judas is the demon I cling to.” Isn’t it similar? I know that this may not necessarily be the correct view but this is just from my perspective. I have seen and head of many different views on it and I respect all of them with an open mind. Cause the first time I heard this song, I too thought that it was pretty offensive.

Well, this is what i have to say about this matter and I welcome all comments on it.

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