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This is my collection of How To …

How to use Lorelle VanFossen’s tip on WordPress excerpts

Would you like to know Lorelle’s code for these excerpts ? Would you like to know what changes I made to Lorelle’s code for it to appear in the way you see it here ? Well this post listing the changes I made to Lorelle’s code.

Nokia N810 Product Review

I had the opportunity to review the Nokia N810 in January 2008 and this was the article I wrote for it. I was loaned the unit for 1 week. So, from the point of view of a customer who has willingly took out more than a thousand bucks to buy a gadget this is my personal view:

How to display excerpts of posts ?

“How to display excerpts of posts ?”

I learned this by Googling and found this fantastic site by Lorelle VanFossen with the code to do it. I made some minor modifications to suit my blog here. In accordance to the code, this is a short post with no excerpt and no ‘more’ code, so the whole post would be displayed. Lorelle monitors the web closely, my best guess is that she set up a Google Alert on her name so, when you mention her name on your post she gets notified by Google Alerts. She found this short post of mine within a day and you can view her comments if you select open this post . . . End of post.

How to write a Blog post ?

Blog and How to and Write

Would you like to learn how to write a blog post ? How about being able to write a blog post that would be easy to read and readers would want to read ? Here is my simple guide for newbies on how to write your first blog post.

How-to make Mozilla Firefox work faster

Would you like your Firefox browser to work better ? How about getting Firefox to load faster and better ? Well here are some simple tweaks, nothing fancy, just plain simple ones you could use. This is a step by step process with screen captures for you to follow.

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